Our Tom Milk brand represents the dairy products we work with, offering a diverse range that includes long shelf life yoghurts and milk

Our yoghurts are truly special, known for their long shelf life, providing a convenient and high-quality option. They can be found in various formats, sizes, compositions and flavours. The convenient sizes make it easy to incorporate our products into daily routines.

Our milk represents a nutritious choice for every occasion. It is carefully selected according to the highest quality standards.

Join us on our journey as we continue to innovate. This brand is a delightful and nutritious experience that we want to share with our clients, contributing to moments of pleasure with every sip and spoonful.

Tom Milk long shelf life yoghurts

Yoghurt with Fruit Pieces

Yoghurt with Fruit Pieces

Yoghurt with Fruit Pieces

Yoghurt with Fruit Pieces

Yoghurt with Fruit Pieces

Sweetened Plain Yoghurt

Banana Flavoured Yoghurt 100g

Vanilla Flavoured Yoghurt 100g

Strawberry Flavoured Yoghurt 100g

Tutti-Frutti Flavoured Yoghurt 100g

Tom Milk UHT milk

Whole UHT Milk 1L

Semi-Skimmed UHT Milk 1L